LUYA Healing and Herbs is dedicated to healing present-day and generational traumas through spiritual life coaching, education, rituals and herbal products.
In our practice, we are intimately involved with plant and animal spirit allies. We learn their energetic qualities and magic, among many other properties that help us determine what is right for our clients and students. We continue to facilitate healing circles and ritual in our collective spaces, navigate between spirit and matter for guidance, reverence, protection, we support individuals to gain clarity and support in their healing journey.
We pay reverence to our benevolent and guiding ancestors, animal and plant allies, other guides for supporting us and protecting us on this healing journey. We give so much thanks to our teachers Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm, Karen Rose of Sacred Vibes Apothecary, Sockie Laya Smith, Angela Angel of Other Ways of Seeing, Guro Kristen Cabildo and members of Chrysalis Kali, Naomi Love of Wise Womb Medicine, Daniel Foor of Ancestral Medicine, Lyn Pacificar of Herbalaria, Rochelle of Brown Bruha, Bee Hollyn of Astrobee and Herbs, Ninotchka Rosca and members of AF3IRM, Azzaziel Bey, Adelina Tancioco of Surrendered Healing, Elder Malidoma Patrice Some and guiding ancestors who teach us the traditional ways of medicine.
Our Team
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